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HANSA‑FLEX is a family-owned public limited company (AG) with global operations and headquarters in Bremen. We are one of the world’s leading suppliers of products, services and holistic solutions for hydraulics. With over 4,200 employees at more than 445 locations, we strive to be the best partner and service provider for our customers ever day.

Hydraulics can be found almost anywhere. So can we.

HANSA‑FLEX ist ein Unternehmen mit vielen besonderen Fähigkeiten. Unsere Produkte und Dienstleistungen tragen seit über 60 Jahren dazu bei, dass die Maschinen unserer Kunden sicherer, länger und besser laufen. In Deutschland, Europa, auf allen Kontinenten.

  • A family business with global success

    Founded in 1962 in Achim, near Bremen, HANSA‑FLEX started out as a one-man business by Joachim Armerding. In the following years, together with his friend Günter Buschmann, Mr Armerding laid the foundation for continuous growth and the kind of global success HANSA‑FLEX AG sees today. It’s still 100% owned and actively run by the founding families of Armerding and Buschmann, now in their third generation. A complete focus on the customer coupled with our innate reliability have always characterised our daily operations, making us the preferred hydraulics partner for businesses in all sectors.

  • Leading system partner for hydraulics

    HANSA‑FLEX offers a 360° fluid technology service for the planning, operation and optimisation of mobile and stationary hydraulic systems. An extensive product range naturally complements our comprehensive service portfolio – from highly efficient and flexible repair and installation, to complex engineering and consulting services – with our close-knit branch network, specialised manufacturing plants, digital service offerings and innovative logistics solutions tying it all together. That’s why more than 150,000 customers of various industries and sizes, whether one-man companies or global corporations, place their trust in our ability to offer exactly what they need.

  • Fast, flexible and personal

    HANSA‑FLEX combines the speed and flexibility of an owner-managed company with the professionalism of an international group, which is how our products and services keep our customers’ machines in motion with high quality standards, at all times and wherever they need us. But none of that is possible without a strong sense of cooperation. Respect, team spirit and a natural willingness to help therefore shape all of our corporate divisions’ interactions across national and international borders alike.

Get to know us

HANSA‑FLEX as a global family business


Die Geschichte von HANSA‑FLEX beginnt vor sechs Jahrzehnten in einer kleinen Garage in Achim bei Bremen. 1962 startet der Kaufmann Joachim Armerding…

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Der Name HANSA‑FLEX steht seit 1962 für Qualität und Innovation. Trotz der weltweiten Expansion und der stetigen Erweiterung des Produktportfolios befindet sich HANSA‑FLEX auch…

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Leitbild und Werte

Das HANSA‑FLEX Leitbild bildet den Orientierungsrahmen für das tägliche Handeln für alle Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter weltweit. Die zugrunde liegenden Werte und Grundsätze…

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Want to become part of the hansa‑flex family?

We are looking for flexible team players (m/f/d) who enjoy customer-oriented work and taking on exciting challenges in the technical or commercial field at many of our locations.

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